Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Day!

Yay. I get to say I spent xmas in Japan. Though, the Japanese do not celebrate it like Americans do. From the various points of view, I hear xmas is for kids and couples. Even though they say that, they decorate the city very nicely. Puts some cities in America to shame. They have xmas trees and decorate them, but they do not place presents under the tree. That's either given to their significant others or placed by the kids bedsides. Otherwise, you go to work or school. haha

First day of beginner class and my head is spinning again. Three new students in the class and their vocabulary is better than mine. It may just seem that way, but from the sounds(?) of it, they are better. I gotta catch up. this time the class is in full Japanese. If you don't know the word, look it up or ask the teacher and then you should be using it in Japanese afterwards. We made mini speeches today. Mine was about five sentences. :P We have to make another speech tomorrow without referring to a paper. So, I'll be talking to myself tonight just to get it right. So as you can see, lots of homework.

I have to mention this too. I've been watching a lot of TV to try to help my listening skills. It is difficult, but I get to see some cool TV programs. I've noticed, there isn't the same program nighty or even weekly. Sometimes. One night I caught a sports program where about 20 kids tie their legs together and then sprint against another team for about 100 meters. I thought it was just for fun, but then they show them train for it. And when they win or lose, the kids cry and even the coaches cry. crazy. I want to know the name of it.

Then there's another program that put celebrities against these guys who go after them like a big game of tag. It took place in an amusement park. The time counts down for the full hour and each minute counts for 100 yen. The amount of money started at 10000 yen, i think. it's pretty cool. And I have to mention this. There's really no trash talking in this game or any other game show I've seen. Like America has it in every game show they have just to win. But the Japanese contestants help each other and even cheer each other on. It's great. No wonder there's so much animosity in America. Now off my soap-box.

I'll try to remember other programs and mention them. Today is a nice day. I took a few pics of the Acros building. cool architecture, but the observation deck was closed. damn.


Unknown said...

Merry Christmas!

Mom and I came home from midnight mass. We sat near crazy people who talked too much.

Also, mom lit a candle for you cuz you're not here. But I showed her the pictures you posted.

The crazies came by today, gave them their presents and they forgot one, mine. Oh well.