Thursday, December 27, 2007

Day 14

Wow it's been 3 weeks in Japan. cool. Its kind of weird and I do have those homesick moments, but it's more when I don't know certain things or want to drive somewhere to get something. Otherwise, I'm having fun. I missed a party yesterday. Mark, from Texas, went back home. For some reason, I thought he was staying longer. They went to the Yatai's so I missed out. dammit again. That's why sometimes I wish I had my phone working and I had my truck.

In a way driving here is something to get use to. I've been a passenger in the car and I know I would be goin nuts if I drove. I thought I would be able to switch sides of the road in my head so easily, but as I observed, I want to say, "You're in the wrong lane." or "The lights red". But the funny thing is, drivers here will keep going until the last second. If it's red then they'll keep going instead of slamming on their brakes. They don't slow down when it's yellow either. I almost saw an old lady get hit, but she literally ran fast enough to get to the other side. The driver didn't even flinch. haha.

It might snow Sunday. That's the rumored weather report. I want it to snow since I barely see it in California. We were making postcards in class today and then ending up mailing them. Of course, we had to practice our speaking ability by talking to the post office clerk. I did pretty well. So now my sister and mom will be getting postcards. We even wrote in Kana. So that'll be cool.

Wait, i forgot to complain again. haha. in my new beginner class, we have a new student from Mexico. And I have to say, this complaint is not against the school. they're actually the coolest teachers around. Anyway, this guy seems to come into class anytime he wants, so even after the teacher has started the class for everyone that already made it on time, he expects the teacher to still give him the attention he needs by going over what we already did when he was late. Did that make sense? ok, let me tell you what he did the 1st day. He went shopping. We didn't know this of course, but when he came wandering in 15 mins late. the teacher was in he process of having us go over past tense and making us say what we did yesterday or earlier. He of course says he was shopping. Then the teacher says, "Really?" Then he pulls out these things he bought. haha. Me and the other guys looked at each other and laughed. Then today, he wandered in a class and a half late, in minutes, that was an hour and a half late. WTF? So the instructor, being nice because they are, started reviewing with him what we already did, so me and my friend had to sit there and watch him write his postcard. We then had to wait for him to practice what to say to the post office clerk too. Then while he was asking dumb questions, he tells us he was in Kyoto earlier. WTF? that's like 3 hrs away on the Shinkansen. Alright enough complaining.

So Mark left yesterday, now Rommel, from the Philipines, left. Chris from France will be leaving this weekend, and the guy James left from Australia, but he was Intermediate anyway. I think he was passing thru. wow. And my Austrailian friend moved up to Beginner 2. He was smart anyway. He's getting ready for the lvl 4 JLPT. Oh well, I'm done. See you.


Unknown said...

so are you the only one in your class now or what?

Any cool trips planned? When you come back ( although if you got to stay longerr that would be cool too ) we should go to Shinsengumi and you can speak to them! Or any other place for you to practice ha!

I'm going to see the Murakami exhibit tomorrow. I'll tell you how it is.