Friday, December 14, 2007

Day 5

Yay! Christmas Party! This was fun. They actually had my classes start late in the day and end right before the party. Of course the school couldn't provide us students any booze, so they said bring your own. When I first bought a 6-pack of Asahi, I thought I was the only alkie. Then Sake, vodka, more beer just started appearing. Yay! I'm not alone.

There was a very nice spread. Pizza, onigiri, platters of Japanese and other finger foods, booze, and Rommel brought adobo he made himself. He's from Cebu City and is working here in Fukuoka as he attends school. Cool, huh? I met a lot of people here that I just saw in passing. I actually thought I was here a long time. One guy has already been here three months and will be here until March. Another has been in Japan for 4 weeks and will be here a full year. It makes me think how restrictions on Americans are really tough.

Anyway, we played bingo and I won a prize. It was loud so I didn't know I won until I looked at the board. I took a sake set. Ha, go figure. It was kind of funny. Some people started wearing their prizes like a wrestler's mask that looked like Nacho Libre, a raccoon mask I think, that everyone passed around to wear. Mika-sensei wore a samurai knot head piece.

Another cool thing was Host Families came to the party. Also the owner/caretaker of the dorms. I have to mention how everyone was concerned about the California fires whenever I mentioned I was from California. Nice. I told them it wasn't that close to me but how ashes were around for a day or two. And I also had to tell them, not all people from Orange County is rich. Damn those MTV shows!!!

I was having so much fun, I forgot to sign up for the Kago Shrine trip for this Sunday. But that's okay. My roommates want to rent movies, so I'll hang out with them. Hisako-san is always nice to me. I think she was invited, but she didn't come. They all work too much. She's actually working today and only has Sunday off. People at my job should shut the hell up about hours and days off.

But I am going to sign up for the tea ceremony for Thursday. I'm going to ask about the onsen trip. I know most hot springs won't let me in because of my tattoos. Damn Yakuza! There's a few more trips but I have to check my school schedule to see if I can go. I really like how they move our school times around so we can attend these culture classes. There's one when they make mochi but that's the one I think comflicts with my time. I'll check Monday.


Unknown said...

YAY ! Cool. So is there some xmas vacation or something like that? Funny re: their perspective of Orange County and the fires.